Monthly Archives: March 2012

Drawing Tarott #2: Unterhennfeld and Oberhennfeld

Drawing Tarott #2: Unterhennfeld and Oberhennfeld

Here’s a preview of the Tarott districts of Unterhennfeld and Oberhennfeld, 12-15 km east of the city center, next to the administrative boundary (it can be seen at the right hand side of the shown part of the map). Public …
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Unfinished projects added

Trignon detail: ville de Basquêtes (fragment)

I opened the section “Cities (fragments)” today to publish my unfinished projects – old projects and recent preojects that I didn’t continue because of new imaginary places that came to my mind. Have a look at Holzwerda, Lejewpord, Trignon, and …
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Urban Geofiction reloaded

Urban Geofiction, the collection of imaginary city maps, has changed its design and structure. Additionally, the News section has been set up – so that from now on you can always read about recent additions and changes. And you can …
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Drawing Tarott #1: District of Schechen

Drawing Tarott #1: District of Schechen

Tarott, captial of the Repuplic of Kalm, is a city with a population of almost 5 million. I’m drawing, drawing, and … drawing. It was supposed to be finished in summer 2012, but right now it seems to take much …
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