Monthly Archives: May 2013

Storyslingers Fictional Worlds Event & networking party 1st June

Storyslingers Fictional Worlds Event & networking party 1st June 3-5pm (with after party from about 5pm). Fictional Worlds writing workshop, Open Mic reading event, Networking party and drop in session. Location: The Rutter Room, Shaftesbury Arts Centre, Bell Street, Dorset, …
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New city added: As-Perdenoy by T. Stapff

Another very nice hand-drawn map: As-Perdenoy, a city by Thilo Stapff (Frankfurt). It’s a very nice drawing style. A perfect hand-drawn copy of German official topographic maps (with some elements taken from the French ones) including hillshading. Have a look …
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New city added: Milerno by Giacomo Ricciotti

Milerno city map

What a wonderful new addition to the collection of Urban Geofiction! At least, that’s my opinion. But take a look at Milerno yourself and I’m sure you want have another meaning about it. And it’s also a fictional city with …
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New part of the Mauzlands added: Gelderland

Holger Fiedler (Treuchtlingen, Germany) constantly continues in drawing the country of “Mauzlands”. The new part of the map shows the region of “Gelderland”, with Lotternheim being the administrational and economic capital. The city has a population of 1.5 million. See …
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Drawing Tarott #6: Hennfelder Heide

London has its “Hampstead Heath” and Tarott has its “Hennfelder Heide”. So if you imagine walking around in this green part of the city, think of the pillowlike hills covered by meadows, ponds surrounded by groups of trees, and of …
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