Monthly Archives: February 2013

New urban geofiction project added: Novo Guimarães

Guimarães is a (quite) common last name in Portugal and also the name of a city some 45km northeast of Porto. Novo Guimarães is the name of a city created by Miguel Guimarães from Porto. Have a look at this …
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Maps by David Hyman (NYC) added

“I never knew before how many fictional mapmakers there really are.” This is how many people react when they see the Urban Geofiction website. A positive reaction that fits to the concept of the site: showing the world how many …
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New project added: Fynnshire

Fynnshire overview map

Fynnshire is a province of the Kingdom of Mauzlands, an imaginary country by Holger Fiedler (Treuchtlingen, Germany). Have a look at the overview map of this part of the country and read a bit about its geographic location and history. …
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