
An urban geofiction project by Thilo Stapff (Frankfurt, Germany).

Largenthaine is a provincial capital of “Larraincon”. With a population of 875,000, it is the second largest city of the country and its most important seaport. The city is highly attractive for tourists due to the large old town, the gigantic castle square with the former residence of the dukes of Courvalon, and – of course – because of its location at the southern coast in front of an imposing mountain range.

Topographical map of Largenthaine

Topographical map of Largenthaine

Panoramic view of Largenthaine

Panoramic view of Largenthaine

2 Comments | Leave a comment

  1. Benoît H. |

    Hi, it is a very nice map ! What is the scale ?

  2. Thilo |

    The scale of the topographic map is 1:50000 (on the original A4 paper sheet). The map that was used for the panoramic view has scale 1:200000.