
An urban geofiction project by Alain May (Berlin, Germany).

Jagemünd is located in southern Germany in the Jagst river valley between Stuttgart and Heidelberg. The city was founded in 1289 where the (imagined) Missel river flows into Jagst river. Due to the topography with narrow valleys and small mountains in the surrounding area, the city has always been very dense. As a reaction, it has a small-meshed tramway network. In 2003, the city had a population of 570,000, another 100,000 people lived in the suburban area. Since 1951, the former city of Parth belongs to Jagemünd. In the Second World War, the central train station and the area around it were destroyed.

Jagemünd, entire view

Jagemünd, entire view

Jagemünd inner city

Jagemünd inner city

Jagemünd public transportation network

Jagemünd public transportation network

Jagemünd, alternative rapid transit map (by Wei-Jin Goh)

Jagemünd, alternative rapid transit map (by Wei-Jin Goh)