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Figurative maps by J. T. Turbio

Well, this is another special way of making fictional maps: From a distance, you see a drawing of a tree, a human head or heart. And when you look closer, you see that it’s actually a black and white map, …
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New city centre map for Pinscher

Pinscher City Centre Map

There’s a nice addition to the wonderful project Pinscher by Owen Reading (UK) now: the large-scale city centre map. Have a look at all the interesting details like tram tracks and stops, POIs like cafes and restaurants and even public …
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Adolf Loos: Alternate Plan for the Vienna Ringstraße (1912)

Superposition of both the real situation in 1912 an Loos' alternative

In 1912, the Austrian architect Adolf Loos developed an alternate plan for the Vienna Ringstraße, as he was not satisfied with the “results” he saw in the beginning of the 20th century – starting from the situation in 1859, when …
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Mirages of the past: alternate histories for Bangalore – by Surasti Puri

Today, the new section of “Urban Variations” was added to the Urban Geofiction website. Surasti Puri’s diploma project “Mirages of the past” is the first project presented in this category. It describes three different histories for Bangalore (India): the real …
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New project added: Bremen-Hardcastle by Nicholas Deibler

A new project, including the twin-cities of Bremen and Hardcastle, was included to the Urban Geofiction collection today. Another wonderful, hand-drawn project by Nicholas Deibler. There’s even a quite new light-rail line connecting the two cities. Have a look and …
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Opengeofiction was presented at SotM-EU in Karlsruhe

On Friday, June 13, 2014 Thilo Stapff and Johannes Bouchain presented the Opengeofiction project in Karlsruhe. The presentation was part of the SotM-EU Openstreetmap Conference. See the video of our presentation here to learn about some details of the project …
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New project included: Pinscher by Owen Reading

Pinscher city map - town centre

A new, wonderfully detailed, computer-drawn addition to the urban geofiction collection: The city of Pinscher by Owen Reading with many different maps (e.g. a city centre map, a public transport map, a regional overview map). “Walk around” on the map …
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New city added: Paltialar by Jacob Burnley

Jacob Burnley from Vancouver island in the very west of Canada is one of the youngsters under the urban geofiction contributors. Today, his wonderful city of Paltialar has been added to the urban geofiction collection—a nice addition to the group …
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New category “Urban legends” with a first story by M. Akkerman

As all existing cities, also fictional cities can be described not only in a graphical way, but also with words: stories set in an imaginary city, describing the people living here, the atmosphere, the history, the problems and potentials of …
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New city by F. Nebel: Millionenstadt

Based upon the setting of the famous German audio junior detective series “TKKG”, Felix Nebel has drawn the Millionenstadt (town of millions). As many other kids in German-speaking countries in the 80’s and 90’s, he became a fan of this …
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