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Nali – an urban geofiction project by G. Wochlik

Nali (1:5,000 scale)

Nali is another urban geofiction project by Greg Wochlik. It comes with maps in different scales, incuding a 1:5,000 scale map depicting single buildings and lots of interesting details. Additionaly, there is a detailed map of the region’s airport. Enjoy …
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New project by O. Reading: Kasenberg

This is another project by Owen Reading: Kasenberg, located at the coast of Italenn Sea in south-eastern Fundlen. Once again, it is a beatiful map with an astonishing level of detail. Enjoy “walking” around in the old town of Kasenberg …
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Reval – a small-town tourist map with unique style

Here’s a contribution to our collection by Alex McPhee from Canada. The small town of Reval with lots of interesting and unique details and a nice style that’s different from what we had here so far. Have a look at …
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Hell’s Gate – G. Wochlik’s first computer-drawn map

Here’s another inspiring map made by G. Wochlik (Johannesburg). This time it’s computer-drawn. Hell’s Gate, named after its location next to a mountain pass with an active volcano, is a small town but depicted with lots of interesting details. You …
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Leonard’s Town – a wonderful, hand-drawn city by G. Wochlik

Once more, a detailed hand-drawn project has been added to the Urban Geofiction collection: Leonard’s Town. It is a small city that plays an important role for logistics and transportation. Also, the characters chosen for the map are very interesting. …
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New project Zuverdam by R. Hokwerda

Zuverdam map (hand-drawn)

There are many different ways of creating fictional city maps, both for hand-drawn maps and those drawn on a computer. Here’s a wonderful new hand-drawn example, also with a very individual and inspiring style: Zuverdam bei Renno Hokwerda. Take a …
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The maps of Tiberiu Chelcea

Cities Deep in the Valley

Have a look at these nice maps and find out what’s the special idea behind them: Tiberiu Chelcea’s map collection “The starting point for these maps is found in the shapes and contours of printed circuit boards and other electronic …
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A new project by O. Reading: Ekered (Fundlen)

Wow, this is amazing imaginary mapping stuff once more. You must definetely have a look! Owen Reading made a wonderful map of the city of Ekered, including a perfectly styled transport map. Also, he made a beautiful map of the …
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Alcassa: A new city within the Urban Geofiction collection

Alcassa Map, part 4

Alcassa is a city imagined by Elis Griffiths, UK. It is the capital city of the nation of Ketland and has about one million inhabitants. Have a look at the detailed hand-drawn map parts and enjoy the colourful names of …
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New addition to the collection: Tilia by B. Huguet

Once more, a very impressive, hand-drawn map was added to the Urban Geofiction collection: Tilia by B. Huguet. It includes many interesting details. There’s a map of the tramway network and a depiction of the coat of arms as well. …
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